Alpilean Reviews (2024) Legit or Fake?

Alpilean Reviews (2024) Legit or Fake?

Alpilean ice hack: alpilean scam, side effects, does it work?

Name of the Product Alpilean (Himalayan Ice Hack)
Nature Alpilean is an weight loss supplement comprising six alpine nutrients scientifically proven to support healthy weight loss.
Ingredients Turmeric rhizome, Golden algae, Ginger rhizome, African mango seed (Dika nut), Moringa leaves (Drumstick tree leaf).

* Helps lose fat quickly.
* Maintaining your energy levels.
* Helps regulate core body temperature.
* Boost the metabolism and burn fat.
* Promotes healthy gut function.

Price $39
Guarantee 60 Days Money Back Guarantee
The creator of Alpilean supplement Dr. Hans Neiper, (German physician and biochemist)
Rating visit-official-website

Alpilean is a legitimate weight loss solution that stands apart from scams. It is a powerful formula enriched with Alpine superfood nutrients, comprising six natural ingredients carefully selected to target the body’s core temperature, enhance sleeping metabolism, and deliver remarkable weight loss outcomes. Importantly, Alpilean has garnered no reports of side effects or customer complaints.

The weight loss supplement, Alpilean, has gained significant attention due to its unique approach of raising the body’s temperature rather than cooling it down. Through a blend of six scientifically supported ingredients, a team of doctors and researchers has formulated Alpilean to offer potent weight loss effects without relying on stimulants, artificial components, or compounds that may pose risks.

Alpilean tackles the temperature disparity by internally heating up individuals, particularly when combined with the unconventional Alpine ice hack. Each serving of Alpilean contains a combination of six alpine ingredients and plants, specifically chosen to elevate the internal body temperature. This, in turn, aids in the burning of fat by boosting metabolism and increasing daily calorie expenditure.

What is Alpilean?

Metabolism plays a crucial role in determining your weight. A higher metabolism rate reduces the likelihood of obesity. A well-functioning metabolism is essential for efficiently converting food into energy. This process relies on maintaining an optimal core body temperature, which refers to the temperature of your internal organs, not the temperature felt by your skin.

Alpilean is a unique blend of ingredients specifically formulated to address excess weight-related issues. This all-natural vitamin supplement is designed to support fat burning and promote a healthy, active lifestyle. The development of Alpilean involved significant effort and care from Zach Miller and Dr. Matthew Gibbs. This clinically proven product enables users to safely and healthily lose weight without the use of stimulants.

The development of Alpilean is based on current research indicating that low body temperature can significantly contribute to weight gain in both men and women. By using this groundbreaking supplement, you can efficiently burn stubborn fat stores, reduce your body mass index (BMI), and enhance your metabolic rate while maintaining a normal core body temperature. Unlike other weight loss products that enforce fad diets, Alpilean allows you to sustain successful weight loss outcomes.

Dietary supplements known as fat burners or thermogenic supplements are designed to boost metabolism and promote thermogenesis, which generates heat in the body. These supplements can assist you in achieving your weight loss goals by increasing energy expenditure and stimulating fat burning.

How Does Alpilean Work?

Alpilean weight loss pills function by leveraging the power of ingredients that enhance fat burning based on your core body temperature. The product’s official resources claim that each element in the formula was carefully selected after thorough research. These ingredients are expertly blended to optimize your inner core body temperature, thereby maximizing your metabolism’s efficiency.

Step 1: Addressing Low Inner Body Temperature

Low inner body temperature not only impedes the calorie-burning process but also compromises various bodily functions. This condition can lead to serious health issues such as cardiac dysfunction and abnormal blood pressure. Alpilean targets these aspects of your body by utilizing natural ingredients that increase core body temperature. By raising the low inner body temperature, Alpilean enhances your metabolism rate, making it easier for you to shed those extra pounds.

Step 2: Maintaining Optimal Inner Body Temperature for Weight Loss

It’s essential to note that inner body temperature requirements vary from person to person. The optimal temperature for weight loss may differ for each individual, depending on factors like body weight, shape, and type. Alpilean simplifies this complexity by offering organic dietary pills that normalize your inner body temperature, creating an optimal environment for weight loss. By combating low body temperature, Alpilean ensures that your metabolism functions at its best.

Step 3: Stimulating Weight Loss Through Increased Core Body Temperature

Weight loss is often misunderstood, with many assuming that hitting the gym or following a specific diet alone will yield results. However, effective weight loss involves considering underlying factors, such as your inner body temperature. Alpilean comes into play in this regard, tapping into the core body temperature process to promote an optimal metabolism and facilitate weight loss.

In summary, Alpilean works by utilizing ingredients that raise your core body temperature, thereby optimizing your metabolism and facilitating weight loss. By addressing low inner body temperature and maintaining an optimal temperature for your body, Alpilean offers a comprehensive approach to achieving your weight loss goals.

Step 4: Enhances Energy Levels and Vitality

Alpilean not only focuses on weight loss but also aims to boost your overall energy levels and vitality. By optimizing your inner core body temperature and improving metabolism, Alpilean helps convert stored fat into usable energy more efficiently. This increased energy supply can enhance your endurance, motivation, and overall well-being, allowing you to engage in physical activities with greater vigor and achieve better results in your weight loss journey.

Step 5: Supports Healthy Body Composition

Achieving a healthy body composition is vital for long-term weight management. Alpilean recognizes this and supports the development of a healthy body composition through its unique approach. By promoting an optimal inner body temperature and boosting metabolism, Alpilean helps reduce excess body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. This balanced approach contributes to a healthier body composition, which is essential for maintaining weight loss and promoting overall health and fitness.

These additional points emphasize the comprehensive benefits of Alpilean, including increased energy levels, improved body composition, and the overall support it provides for sustainable weight loss.

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Who Is The Creator Of Alpilean?

The creator of Alpilean supplement is Dr. Hans Neiper, a distinguished German physician and biochemist renowned for his commitment to discovering natural remedies for common health concerns. Born on May 22, 1928, Dr. Neiper earned his medical degree from the University of Munich in 1953. Throughout his career, he established himself as a prolific researcher and inventor, producing over 130 scientific papers, patents, and books.

Dr. Neiper dedicated his efforts primarily to pioneering therapies for cancer, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, and other chronic ailments. He founded the Institute for Preventive Medicine in Frankfurt, Germany, which gained recognition as a premier research institution for alternative therapies and natural medicine. His groundbreaking exploration into the relationship between calcium, cell signaling, and mitochondrial function led to the development of life-saving treatments, including Calcium AEP, a powerful immune-modulating substance.

In 1986, Dr. Neiper introduced Alpilean supplement, a weight loss aid that harnesses the thermogenic properties of alpinia galanga, a rare plant native to Southeast Asia, in combination with the beneficial effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Alpilean supplement is designed to safely and effectively enhance metabolism, suppress appetite, and boost energy levels.

Dr. Neiper’s legacy continues to inspire researchers and practitioners in the realm of natural medicine. He received numerous accolades and awards throughout his career, including the Federal Cross of Merit in 1997, one of Germany’s highest honors. Dr. Neiper passed away on October 1, 1998, at the age of 70. However, his contributions to medical research and his innovative products, such as Alpilean supplement, continue to benefit individuals worldwide.

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What are the advantages of Alpilean?

Alpilean offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking to improve their overall health and weight management:

  1. Effortless Fat Loss: Alpilean facilitates easy elimination of stubborn fat from your body.
  2. Natural Boost to Metabolism: It naturally enhances your metabolism, resulting in improved fat-burning capabilities.
  3. Appetite Control: Alpilean effectively reduces hunger pangs and cravings, helping to curb your appetite.
  4. Mood Enhancement: By uplifting your mood, Alpilean prevents emotional eating during periods of low mood or stress.
  5. Increased Energy Levels: Alpilean provides a significant energy boost, enabling you to remain active and burn more calories.
  6. Enhanced Internal Functions: Alpilean helps maintain optimal body temperature, promoting a boosted metabolism, improved digestion, and strengthened immunity.
  7. Combatting Overweight Issues: Alpilean aids in the fight against overweight problems and obesity.
  8. Fat Cell Prevention: It prevents fat cells from accumulating additional fat.
  9. Fat Conversion: Alpilean facilitates the release of fat from cells and transforms it into fuel for your body.
  10. Youthful and Healthier Appearance: By utilizing Alpilean, you can achieve a younger, leaner, and healthier physique.
  11. Cholesterol Control: Alpilean helps combat cholesterol-related concerns and supports heart health.
  12. Improved Cognitive, Circulatory, and Skeletal Well-being: Alpilean contributes to enhancing brain, blood, and bone health.
  13. Digestive Support: It provides support to all digestive organs, with a particular focus on aiding liver function.
  14. Insulin Sensitivity Development: Alpilean assists in developing insulin sensitivity, aiding in the fight against type 2 diabetes.
  15. Detoxification: It removes toxins from your body, preventing future weight gain.

In summary, Alpilean offers a comprehensive range of health benefits that extend beyond weight loss. Its natural formulation supports digestive health, boosts energy, improves cardiovascular health, enhances joint function, uplifts mood, facilitates long-term weight management, and provides a safe and natural approach to achieving health and wellness goals.

What Does Alpilean Contain? Alpilean Ingredients Revealed

Alpilean Ingredients

Alpine Ice Hack by Alpilean is a groundbreaking product that asserts its use of natural ingredients to enhance fat and calorie burning. But what exactly are these natural ingredients that constitute Alpine Ice Hack? In this section, we will delve into the list of natural components in Alpine Ice Hack and explore how they can assist you in achieving your weight loss goals.

Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcuminoids, which are known to increase thermogenesis, resulting in faster calorie burning. Additionally, gingerols in turmeric act as appetite suppressants, reducing cravings and creating a sensation of fullness. Moreover, turmeric’s antioxidant effects aid in reducing fat accumulation around the waistline by oxidizing lipids and preventing the formation of new lipid cells. Its digestive-stimulating qualities also contribute to better nutrient absorption, leading to lower overall calorie consumption and effective weight management.

Ginger: Ginger is another spice renowned for its weight loss benefits. It contains gingerols that stimulate metabolism and promote thermogenesis. Studies suggest that gingerol enhances fat oxidation and reduces fat storage. Research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry also indicates that gingerol increases calorie expenditure during exercise. Ginger aids digestion, relieves nausea, and curbs cravings by inhibiting the hunger-controlling enzyme cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).

Moringa Leaves: Moringa leaves, derived from the drumstick tree, have been used for centuries for their flavor and medicinal properties in Asia and Africa. These leaves are packed with nutrition, including proteins, vitamins (such as A, C, and B6), and minerals (like iron, magnesium, and zinc). They are also rich in antioxidants. With low calorie content and high protein levels, drumstick tree leaves can effectively support weight loss goals.

African Mango Seed Extract: Extracted from the kernel of the West-African mango fruit, Irvingia gabonensis, African mango seed extract is abundant in soluble fiber, which promotes satiety and slows digestion. It is also a source of omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins A and E, and minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. By reducing blood sugar levels and slowing carbohydrate absorption, African mango seed extract helps suppress appetite and control cravings for sugary foods.

Citrus Bioflavonoids: Citrus bioflavonoids are natural compounds found in the peel of citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. These compounds offer powerful antioxidant properties that protect against oxidative damage. Although the impact of citrus bioflavonoid supplements on weight loss is not fully conclusive, some studies suggest a link between consuming these compounds and reducing body fat. Research on mice fed a high-fat diet showed that supplementing with a citrus flavonoid called naringin led to decreased body fat and improved endurance exercise performance.

Fucoxanthin: Fucoxanthin belongs to a group of carotenoids known for their anti-inflammatory properties and anti-obesity effects. Studies have indicated that fucoxanthin can increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone crucial for regulating metabolism and glucose levels. By enhancing fat oxidation within mitochondria, fucoxanthin promotes the efficient burning of fat stores, aiding in weight loss without excessive calorie expenditure.

Overall, the natural ingredients in Alpine Ice Hack, such as turmeric, ginger, moringa leaves, African mango seed extract, citrus bioflavonoids, and fucoxanthin, work synergistically to support healthy weight loss and help you attain your desired results.

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How Does Low Internal Body Temperature Contribute to Weight Gain?

Numerous studies have explored the multifaceted nature of obesity and its associated factors. After extensive research and analysis, it has become evident that low internal body temperature is a significant factor contributing to weight gain and obesity. A recent study focusing on the correlation between low body temperature and obesity has unequivocally revealed that overweight adults (BMI > 30) exhibit lower daytime body temperatures compared to individuals with normal weight. On average, the body temperature of obese individuals was found to be 0.63 degrees Fahrenheit lower than that of individuals with a normal weight.

Researchers have calculated that this lower body temperature, indicative of a slower metabolic rate, results in an accumulation of approximately 160 grams of body fat per month or four to five pounds per year. This degree of weight gain is sufficient to explain the gradual increase in weight experienced by many individuals. Consequently, considering the comprehensive range of studies conducted both in the past and recently, it is safe to assert that a direct and substantial link exists between low internal body temperature and weight gain.

If you are embarking on an effective weight loss journey, you may find Alpilean pills beneficial. These pills focus on increasing your core body temperature, thereby optimizing your metabolism and facilitating efficient calorie burning.

Is There Any Scientific Evidence to Support the Effectiveness of Alpilean Diet Pills?

When considering the use of dietary supplements and pills, it is important to approach them with an understanding of the scientific evidence behind their effectiveness. According to the official website of Alpilean diet pills, the product’s working principle is based on a scientific study conducted by researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine.

The researchers discovered a direct correlation between obesity and low internal body temperature. To effectively lose weight, it is essential for your internal body temperature to be in sync with your metabolism, facilitating the burning of fat and excess calories. With this in mind, the Alpilean weight loss formula relies on solid scientific evidence to optimize internal body temperature and combat obesity.

Now, let’s explore how science supports the core ingredients in Alpilean: A study published in the European Journal of Pharmacology found that ginger extract reduces food intake and aids in weight loss. Another study published in the journal Diabetes Care revealed that daily consumption of orange juice lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 25 percent. Recent research published in the British Medical Journal suggests that consuming turmeric may help control appetite and prevent overeating.

Researchers believe that curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, regulates the hormone ghrelin, which triggers feelings of hunger. Additionally, curcumin inhibits the hormone leptin, which signals satiety to the brain. In another study, rats that were fed with mangiferin showed lower triglyceride levels compared to those that did not receive the supplement. Triglycerides are a type of fat that circulates in the blood and elevated levels contribute to cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that moringa extract enhances the activity of key enzymes involved in weight loss, such as lipase (which breaks down fats), amylase (which converts carbohydrates into sugar), and glucokinase (which regulates glucose). The researchers concluded that moringa could be beneficial in treating obesity due to its ability to increase the activity of these enzymes.

In conclusion, the Alpilean diet pills are supported by scientific evidence that demonstrates the efficacy of their core ingredients in promoting weight loss and combating obesity.

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What is the Cost of Alpilean for Your Wallet?

If you’re interested in purchasing Alpilean pills, they are available in three different options, each with its own price range. It’s important to note that these supplements can only be purchased through the official website. To gain a better understanding, let’s delve into the specifics.

Alpilean cost

30-Day Supply of Alpilean Dietary Supplement

For a 30-day supply of Alpilean diet supplement, you will receive one bottle containing 30 capsules. The cost is $59 per bottle. To make a purchase, you can conveniently use payment methods such as MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.

90-Day Supply of Alpilean Dietary Supplement

The 90-day supply of Alpilean dietary supplement is priced at $147, which breaks down to $49 per bottle. When you opt for the 3-month supply, you’ll receive three bottles of the supplement along with two bonus products, free of charge. The payment methods remain the same as mentioned earlier.

180-Day Supply of Alpilean Dietary Supplement

With the 180-day supply, you’ll receive six bottles of the weight loss formula at a cost of $234, equivalent to $39 per bottle. This option has been highly regarded as the best value combo by a majority of Alpilean consumers. In addition to the two bonus products, free shipping is included with the 180-day supply combo.

===> Click here to get Alpilean at the max discounted price!

What Additional Benefits Can You Get with Alpilean?

When you purchase the Alpilean 90-day or 180-day combo pack, you will receive two bonus products that can greatly support your weight loss journey. It is crucial not only to increase your body temperature and shed excess weight but also to ensure that your overall mechanism is functioning optimally. As a result, the company offers two complimentary bonus products designed to aid weight loss and foster a positive mindset.

Bonus 1 – 1-Day Kickstart Detox

Included in the Alpilean weight loss solution is the 1-Day Kickstart Detox, a valuable bonus product. This book features a collection of 20 unique herbal tea recipes that are easy to make and promote healthy digestion. These recipes prove beneficial in detoxifying your body, eliminating harmful toxins, and encouraging a healthy metabolism.

Alpilean Bonus

Bonus 2 – Renew You

The second book focuses on rejuvenating your self-esteem levels. The weight loss journey can sometimes be overwhelming, requiring effective methods of support. With Alpilean, not only will you burn fat and achieve a new body, but you will also need a fresh mindset to accompany your transformation. This book provides you with simple techniques that can be employed at any time to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and bring tranquility to your mind.


In conclusion, the weight loss market offers numerous methods, some effective and some not. Differentiating between legitimate and counterfeit options, as well as those with potential side effects, can be challenging. However, among them, Alpilean stands out by adopting a unique and groundbreaking approach.

This weight loss supplement has already aided countless individuals in achieving natural weight loss. Its distinguishing feature lies in its scientifically proven method of increasing core body temperature to facilitate fat cell burning. Furthermore, Alpilean is entirely natural and organic, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions.

The inclusion of the extra bonus and Wellness Box further enhances its appeal and excitement in one’s weight loss journey. Additionally, its affordability and a 60-day money-back guarantee make it a compelling choice. After considering all the aspects discussed in this Alpilean review, it is evident that this product is worth trying.


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Is Alpilean Health Product safe to use?

Alpilean Health Product is generally safe to use when taken as directed. However, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications. Additionally, it is important to follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Can anyone use Alpilean Health Product?

Alpilean Health Product is intended for use by adults who are generally healthy. However, it is not suitable for everyone. Pregnant or nursing women, individuals under the age of 18, and those with pre-existing medical conditions should consult their healthcare provider before using this product. It is always important to read and follow the instructions and warnings provided on the product packaging.

How should I take Alpilean Health Product?

The recommended dosage and usage instructions may vary depending on the specific Alpilean Health Product you are using. It is important to carefully read the label and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. In general, dietary supplements are typically taken with water and preferably with a meal unless otherwise directed.

Are there any side effects of using Alpilean Health Product?

Alpilean Health Product is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience mild side effects. These can include digestive discomfort, jitteriness, restlessness, or difficulty sleeping due to the presence of caffeine or other stimulating ingredients. If you experience any adverse effects, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

Can I take Alpilean Health Product with other medications?

It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplement, including Alpilean Health Product, if you are currently taking medications. Certain ingredients may interact with medications, potentially affecting their effectiveness or causing unwanted side effects. Your healthcare provider can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation.

Where can I purchase Alpilean Health Product?

Alpilean Health Product may be available for purchase online through the official website of the manufacturer or through authorized retailers. It is always recommended to purchase from reputable sources to ensure you are receiving genuine products.

Can Alpilean Health Product replace a healthy diet and exercise?

Alpilean Health Product is not intended to replace a healthy diet or exercise routine. It should be used as a supplement to support overall health and well-being. A balanced diet and regular physical activity are important for achieving and maintaining optimal health.


Affiliate Disclosure: The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team.

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